Walk through some of our past talks and performances. A full collection of our talks can be found on YouTube.

What is consciousness: Two answers

Dr Henry Taylor is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham. In his talk, Henry sketches out two of the dominant theories of consciousness in both philosophy and psychology: the global workspace theory and the higher-order thought theory.

Itnava - by Andrey Fjeldstad

We start and end our Main Events with some art or practice to help us leave the day behind and fully arrive in the space. Andrey Fjeldstad is a Norwegian Saxophonist currently in his final year of pursuing a Bachelor of Music with Honours at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

Capitalism: A defence of an unfashionable idea

Dr Kristian Niemietz is the Editorial Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs. In his talk, Kristian shared the institute's perspective on how low taxes and small government can drive prosperity for all. The event also featured a talk on our Financial Well-being and capitalism's effect on it by Prof. Adele Atkinson.

Legacy: An Interview with Secretary Bunch of the Smithsonian

Lonnie G. Bunch III is the 14th Secretary of the Smithsonian and the former founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C. In this conversation on the topic of Legacy, he explores the ways in which an understanding of history is essential to creating a better future.